We here at the SAVANNA AVIATION, LLC are dedicated to bringing you the best from our new development of the continent known as Africa in the Airline and aviation solutions.
Africa has long suffered from exploration and colonialism and left this continent without a resource to be at its own.
Independence also does not help, and Africans are going from one country to another looking for survival.
The creation of Savanna Aviation LLC will show the world that Africans can do something.
And this is the beginning to wake Africa up.
Savanna Aviation will start with domestic flights, then inter-continental and from then international.
Savanna Aviation will continue this state and further create their airline industries based in Africa.
Make African countries able to take over the airline situation from this year 2025 without passing by other
European countries and strengthen African countries’ autonomy and responsibility.
Stop depending on European supremacy.
Phase one
Launch domestic flights within each country.
Phase two
Soon, create continental flights within African countries.
Phase three
Savanna Aviation will go international.
Origin Story: In the past, there was Air Afrique which served the francophone countries, founded by African countries.
In 2002, France ordered Air Afrique to close its business as air carrier for passengers and cargos. Thus, Air Afrique
under the domination colonization must stop functioning and Air France must take over all its assets.
Since we lost our beloved airline and compelled to go with Air France.
For more than 23 years our air travel has been subjected to French control.
And now it is time to change the situation by creating our own venture.
My co-founder Mr. Sannake Lare called me in October 2024 and asked: what can we do to save our Africa.
We both are filmmakers and have worked together on a film project. I asked him what he has in mind, and that I am ready to support the idea.
We came up with the idea for a domestic airline in Togo and then for the whole of Africa.
I suggested to have Nigeria as the base of the future company. He rejected and said Togo would be the best, since Nigeria is almost
saturated. I agreed and started to do the basic information from the National Agency of Civil Aviation in Togo. Later, I started to talk
with Americans and Africans based in the United States of America. And we were surprised by the result.
Since we don’t want to use the name Africa anymore, I suggested the original name of Africa, which is Alkebulan.
Finally, Savanna Aviation was adopted by the group that we have as founders of our company.
For the industry experience, when Air Afrique was destroyed, all the members and directors became unemployed and suffered
the hardest and most of these directors welcome the endeavor.